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Taken from Joe Rogan Experience #938. ?

See more videos about Elon Joe Rogan Firmament Flat Earth, Joe Rogan on Elon Musk, Elon Musk on Joe Rogan Talking about Earth in The Dome, Joe Rogan Elon Musk Krackon, Joe Rogan Elon Musk Firmament, Joe Rogan Ellon Musk. Possibly because you can observe from Earth that Mars is spherical, whereas flat Earthers probably haven't seen the spherical Earth from space. "Somebody told me you're now a … See more The Flat-Earthers supposedly believe Earth is a flat disc and everything that suggests otherwise is a conspiracy, created by NASA and other government agencies. We hope you have a fantastic day! — Flat Earth Society (@FlatEarthOrg) November 28, 2017 With a response. See more videos about Elon Musk Planets, Elon Musk Believes in Flat Earth Joe Rogan Flat Earth, Elon Musk Firmament Joe Rogan Earth Flat, Elon Musk Evolution of Earth, Elon Musk Social Score, Elon Musk She Knows Asteroid. north carolina driving conditions But most of all, it was a sham. This image from SpaceX shows the red Tesla sports car which was launched into space during the first … Fact Check: No, Elon Musk Did. Discover how all play a part in the belief that we do NOT live on a round, globe-shaped planet, but in fact live on a long, flat plain. Rapper BB is a Flat Earther who started a GoFundMe campaign asking for $1 million to have satellites launched into space to help "find the curve" of our planet This sums it up purrrfectly Elon Musk Slammed For Ultra-Creepy Reaction To Taylor Swift Endorsing Kamala Harris Peter Karleby THERE IS NO CURVE ! WE LIVE ON A FLAT PLAIN #nasalies #researchflatearth #wakeup #thegreatdeception #spaceisfake #aliensaredemons #theyarenotourfriends #nasa #dome #firmament #landbeyondtheicewalls. fairfield pizza fairfield ohio However, the image has been heavily edited. Musk has poked fun at the idea that Earth is flat, tweeting in November 2017: "Why is there no Flat Mars Society!?" In April 2021, … SpaceX founder Elon Musk has some very good ideas about rockets, and some very bad tweets In his latest offense, Musk seemed to be having some “fun” with … The Tesla’s time in the void was live streamed and people quickly used the opportunity to dunk on Flat Earthers. Exercise critical thinking. The claim: Video shows Elon Musk admitting he is a flat earther. Entrepreneur and apparently needy, attention-seeking billionaire Elon Musk took to Twitter to announce his belief the Earth was flat last night, literally twenty minutes after launching a spaceship off it. Unlike the Earth, Mars has been observed to be round. john deere riding lawn mower Tesla plans to try its hand at advertising, said CEO Elon Musk Tuesday during the automaker's 2023 annual meeting of shareholders. ….

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